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Jeweller's Block Insurance

There is a special package policy devised to meet the various Insurance requirements of jewellers pursuing their business. This insurance is governed by a Market Agreement which came into force from 1st April 1980. This type of business can be accepted by Regional Offices only, upto the limit allowed. In case a Divisional Office receives a proposal, they would forward the same to the Regional Office with their observations on the risk, for approval and rating.

Moral hazard is of considerable importance in this class of business. Acceptance should be confined to first class risks of parties who are known for their integrity, good reputation and who are recommended by D.O.

A careful scrutiny of the proposal form is also necessary in order to know the claims history, security factors. Since earlier history has bearing on underwriting a proposal of jeweller operating for the 1st year is a bad risk.

The proposal form is a detailed one. Since the business relates to valuable items like gold and jewellery, the security factors of the risk assume considerable importance. Answers to question 3, of the proposal form should be carefully scrutinised. The question relates to particulars of safe, of occupancy at night, night watchman, burglar alarm system etc. Separate limits (sums insured) are provided for risks on the premises, outdoor risk when the property is in the custody of gold smiths, brokers, agents, cutters, partners and employees including transit risks. There is a separate item for furniture fixtures and fittings at the premises. The proposer has to complete question No.8 very clearly, giving full values for insurance. The basis of valuation shall be the insured cost plus 10% thereof.

Scope of Cover: The cover accorded by the policy is divided into 4 sections as under:

Section 1: This section covers loss of or damage to property, whilst contained in the premises where the insured's business is carried on or at other premises where the insured's property is deposited as specified in the Schedule by Fire, Explosion, Lightning, Burglary, House breaking, Theft, Hold-up, Robbery and Riot and Strike damage only. Terrorism also becomes part of cover at an additional premium of Rs. 0.03 per mille.

Limits of indemnity (i.e. Sums insured) are shown separately for: The property insures is defined as stock in trade

consisting of jewellery, gold and silver ornaments, pearls, precious stones, cash, currency notes etc. usual to the conduct of the insured's business, belonging to him or held in trust or on commission for which he is responsible.

The cover is subject to the warranty that all stocks whilst at the premises specified in the schedule shall be secured in locked burglar proof safe at light and at all times out of business hours.

Section II: This covers accidental loss of or damage to property insured whilst carried/conveyed outside specified premises for the purpose of insured's business only unless excluded.

This is subject to a warranty that for values above Rs. 2 lack with any one person, the stock should be secured in built-in locker of a steel cupboard after business hours at all times. Also the sum insured under this section should not exceed the gross sum insured under Section I.

Section III: This section covers insured property (excluding case and currency notes) whilst in transit within India or

Transit by means other than above are covered. Basis of valuation for property other than cash or currency notes in respect of section I, II and III shall be the insured's cost plus 10% thereof.

Section IV: This Section covers loss/damage to office furniture, fixture, fittings, being used in connection with the insured's business whilst contained in the premises, where the insured's business is carried on caused by fire, explosion, lightning, burglary, housebreaking, theft, hold-up, robbery and riot & strike damage only.




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